WCAPS Youth Ambassador Program Leader


Marieme Foote is graduating this May 2018 with her Bachelors degree at Ithaca College in Political Science with a minor in Environmental studies. She completed a full scholarship program through her university named the Martin Luther King scholars program and is also graduating with honors.

She served as the Student Body President her junior year and has remained actively involved with student government by helping make structural changes at her university through committee work and school wide projects. Through her passion in social justice, she has worked at numerous NGO's such as Africare in Dakar, Senegal and is currently working with WCAPS on their Youth Ambassadors program. Prior to this, she also had the opportunity to intern with Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee on Capitol Hill in D.C.

In the Fall of 2018 she is looking forward to beginning her position in Peace Corps for two years in Benin as an Agricultural Extension Agent, and hopes to attend law school after her term is over.  We wish Marieme good luck in her new venture!


Nicolette Louissaint


Xiomara Salazar