Lauran Howard

Lauran Howard - (pronouns:she/her) is an active member of the Women of Color Advancing Peace, Security and Conflict Transformation (WCAPS) where she is Co-Chair of the Mental Health Sub-Working Group and a Pipeline Fellow. Graduated from Georgetown University SCS, she obtained her MA in Liberal Studies with a focus in International Relations and Religious Studies. She also obtained her BA, in International Studies concentrating in International Cultures from Mount St. Mary’s University. A Certified Foundational Positive Psychology Specialist, Adult Mental Health First Aider/Instructor and a member of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA), she has also spent the last 10 years as a Human Rights and Mental Health Advocate for organizations and initiatives that focus on marginalized communities such as POC, WOC and LGBTQIA+ on a glocal scale.

Lauran has also dedicated herself in furthering her studies in Mindfulness, Religious & Contemplative Practices at the Won Institute of Graduate Studies. At the same time, she also aims to gain experience and knowledge surrounding Mind, Body & Spiritual Wellness while deciding to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology or Global Human Development. Currently, Lauran works as a Research Consultant at the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC) with the Global Initiative for Justice, Truth and Reconciliation while completing her internship as a Research Assistant Intern at the Radiant Cardinal Project, a non-profit organization that centers around research on how to better support those affected by Substance Use Disorder (SUD). She enjoys going on nature walks, reading, playing and teaching the piano, art, journaling and spending time with friends and family.


Maha Kamel


Shanel Wilson